Siguiendo con el tema de aprender las horas en el reloj os dejo esta aplicación que podeis encontrar en la Google Play y en la App Store. En ambas tiendas existe una versión gratuita.
La organización temporal es un concepto tremendamente difícil de asimilar. Se trata de un proceso lento y paulatino, que exige que el niño sea capaz de distinguir previamente otras nociones más básicas como: mañana/tarde/noche, antes/ahora/después, ayer/hoy/mañana u otros más complejos como los días de la semana, los meses y los años. La hora es el último escalón dentro de este complejo proceso.
Os dejo la web de la empresa sobfe el juego:
No question about it. Teaching young children how to read the time can be a challenging task. And often, it is about as confusing for the child as it is stressful for the adult. This content-rich app covers all the basics and tackles the hard questions as well, all in a fun and easy to understand approach aimed to both delight and educate young learners. Ideal for children aged 4 to 12, this app comes in multiple game modes which together can teach young children to: use the hour and minute hands to read the time, translate between analogue and digital clocks, identify the basic clock components, understand the concept of day and night, and much more. Interactive Telling Time also comes with a tutorial mode that offers simple explanations for often complicated concepts – perfect for parents to use as a guide. This app caters for every stage of the learning process, with five difficulty levels to choose from and a scoreboard to keep track of the child’s progress. Young players are encouraged to complete the set tasks in order to earn new items for their virtual aquarium. This app also comes complete with eight different clock designs, all beautifully drawn and with varying functions.
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